CAT Blog

Crazy About Tech!

Valera Kucherenko

What's new in tech?

How bionics and AI are enabling Ukrainian soldiers to resume combat

Discussing the impact of bionic prosthetics, especially the Esper Hand from Esper Bionics, will benefit Ukrainian soldiers who lost limbs in the conflict with Russia. With advancements in AI, these prosthetics are enabling soldiers like Valera Kucherenko to regain functionality and even surpass previous capabilities. The partnership between Esper Bionics and the Protez Foundation provides these prosthetics to veterans for free, aiding their rehabilitation and return to normalcy. The technology's potential for further development offers hope for enhanced prosthetic solutions, emphasizing a commitment to helping those in need and strengthening Ukraine.

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Cat Person Of The Month

Elizabeth Churchill studied at Sussex University, where she earned a Master of Science in knowledge-based systems and a Bachelor of Science in research and experimental psychology. She graduated from Cambridge University with a Ph.D. In order to work at FX Palo Alto Laboratory and then Palo Alto Research Center, Churchill relocated to California. After that, she worked for a number of tech firms, such as Yahoo, eBay, and Google. She is the director of user experience at Google right now. In order to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of user experience, Churchill conducts research and gives presentations on subjects pertaining to computer science, psychology, design, analytics, and anthropology. In addition, Churchill is the Association of Computing Machinery's vice president.

Elizabeth Churchill